I am loving painting this one. I think it's the freedom of painting a massive infinite sky that appeals to me. I only started the figure yesterday - so there is still much work required there. Once the figure is complete I will put the trees and shrubs at the bottom - this will also make her look less like Mary Poppins flying down with her Umbrella:) Here are a few pics - it's such a large one it was quite hard to take a good photo...
Daniel's works explore contemporary subjects and themes. They are predominantly figurative with much emphasis on mood and feeling. Daniel strives to forge strong connections between work and viewer, allowing the viewer to invest their emotion within his art. He achieves this with such devices as the subtlety of a subject’s gaze, body language and lighting.
Daniel studied Graphic Design at Charles Sturt University and has a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. Daniel has also studied at Melbourne School of Art and Swinburne University.
This one is really pretty. The sky is very well done.
omg Daniel this is amazing .. i love your style .. this is going to be fantastic i wish i could get my sky to look like that .. it looks dreammy
Thanks everyone:) Glad you like my sky Belinda - though I was wishing I could do a sky like yours:) Love that sunset.
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