Sunday 1 June 2008


Sorry for the severe lack of posts lately. For the past month and a bit I've been quite busy tackling the everyday hiccups life can throw at you from time to time. Things seem to have settled again, which means time for painting is once more! Here's a progress shot of my current painting. I'm going to put this one into over-drive and try to get it finished by the end of the long weekend. I've applied more detail to the face and fixed up her once wonky eye.. Still a heap to do - hair, crane, body.. This week she'll get the works!


Sandy said...

Oh! Good news Daniel!! I have been checking in daily, waiting for more from you.So pleased to see you are on the job again.

Anonymous said...

LOvely! welcome back. :)

Anonymous said...

Totally post starved here! Glad to see you back at it. Don't you have a show coming up soon?
