Monday 25 August 2008


Trying to Balance a full time job with Freelance work and most importantly painting can be quite the task. I think I'm coping alright, though it does have it's moments. Painting is one of those things that requires the right state of mind. Trying to schedule painting times in advance can backfire big time. That bloody right state of mind can quickly leave town and wont come back until you least expect it. If I don't feel up to painting I simply wont, as I know the painting will suffer as a consequence.


A Reason to Paint said...

Yep I hear you Daniel; totally hear you. On a positive note for me, it makes the whole thought of old age with no reponsibilities something to be looked forward to rather than dreaded :)

Daniel Sanger said...

Yeah, though we may have to go for very loose styles in our older age as maintaining a steady hand might be quite the challenge:)

Amanda van Gils said...

My studio days are Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30am to 4pm (due to childcare)....and sometimes creativity is taking a big time nap at just those times. Sure makes me organised though.
As for the old age unsteady sure didn't hurt Lloyd Reese's paintings :)

This Painting Life said...

Hmm, well, I've been juggling full-time work with painting for about 23 years now, its hard, very hard, it doesn't get any easier....I guess the thing I've learned is, if you really think you cannot paint that day, then don't, instead think about your work, read about art etc...its all valuable